History of the JPA

The TULARE COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSIT AGENCY (“TCRTA” or “Transit Agency”) is a joint powers agency formed by the Cities of Dinuba, Exeter, Farmersville, Lindsay, Porterville, Tulare, Woodlake, and the County of Tulare (each, a “Member Agency” and together, the “Member Agencies”) pursuant to Section 6500 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California through the adoption of a Joint Powers Agreement that became effective on August 17, 2020 (the “Joint Powers Agreement”). Subsequently, the TCRTA Board authorized the membership of the Tule River Indian Tribe of California to the agency at a special meeting held on August 24, 2022.
The purpose of the Joint Powers Agreement is to empower the Member Agencies to exercise their common powers by the formation and operation of TCRTA, with full power and authority to own, operate, and administer a public transportation system. TCRTA is and shall operate as a public agency separate and apart from the Member Agencies. On July 1, 2024 the TCRTA original Member Agencies were modified in light of the City of Porterville’s decision to withdraw from the TCRTA. TCRTA now represents Cities of Dinuba, Exeter, Farmersville, Lindsay, Tulare, Woodlake, the County of Tulare, and with ancillary fixed route service to the Tule River Tribe of California.
TCRTA will deliver clean, sustainable mobility choices that link people, communities, and jobs. TCRTA’s focus is to elevate customer service, safety, and seamless transportation alternatives by optimizing efficiencies through joining together and maximizing economies of scale.