Active & Upcoming
Rider Alerts

Have any questions about future alerts or current detours?
Contact our customer service team to learn more about how
you can plan for changes to your usual route.

From February 11th-13th, the World Ag Expo will take place at International Ag Center. On these days, the bus route will be re-routed in anticipation of traffic delays. Please call the TCRTA call center at (559) 372-2290 if you have questions or require assistance in planning your trips for this day and time. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to provide service to our valued riders and community members, and we are excited for this year’s World Ag Expo!

Affected Routes: 11X: Tulare-Visalia, T2: Southeast Tulare

From February 11th-13th, the World Ag Expo will take place at International Ag Center. On these days, the bus route will be re-routed in anticipation of traffic delays. Please call the TCRTA call center at (559) 372-2290 if you have questions or require assistance in planning your trips for this day and time. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to provide service to our valued riders and community members, and we are excited for this year’s World Ag Expo!

Affected Routes: 11X: Tulare-Visalia, T2: Southeast Tulare
Call the Greenline

Get information about fixed route schedules, transfers, and other information for any transit service in Tulare County, including TCRTA services.

Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

Call Customer Service

For specific questions and concerns about TCRTA services, alerts, policies, and reservations, contact our customer service team for assistance seven days a week.


Monday – Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

1 (559) 372‐2290

Find Help & Support

Find answers to frequently asked questions alongside links to some of the most helpful sections of the TCRTA website so that you can navigate with ease—online and on the road.

Go to Help & Support Center

Click here to report your rider experience. We would like to hear from you.
i-Sight Portal