How To Ride

Our buses stop at designated bus stops, which is where you can wait for your next ride. You can also wave or flag down the bus at a safe location along the route. In this case, you can also call in advance to say that you will be waiting for the bus somewhere other than the bus stop.

Whether you are boarding a van, a shuttle, or one of our larger buses, these practices will help you board safely and efficiently. Don’t forget to stand back to allow other passengers to exit the bus before boarding.

Please pay attention during your ride so that you can prepare for your desired stop, alert the driver, and exit the vehicle easily. Be sure to let the driver know if you have a bike on the rack as you get off the bus.

We recommend being at the bus stop a few minutes prior to bus departure time and having the fare ready as you board.

Each bus stop sign is identified with the route’s corresponding color and number. When waiting for the bus, stand near the bus stop sign.

Each bus is identified by its route name, located on a digital display on the front and on the curb side of the bus.

Be prepared to pay with either exact cash (U.S. cash or coins), TCRTA tokens, TPASS, punch pass, or transfer; TCRTA drivers do NOT give change.

Take a seat as soon as you can after boarding. Do not change seats unless absolutely necessary.

If you require a transfer, please inform the driver as you board or exit the bus. Note: Transfers are only possible at approved transfer points.

There is priority seating designated for persons with disabilities. Please be mindful and allow people with disabilities and senior citizens to sit in priority seating. This may require changing seats or standing.

When your stop has almost arrived, pull the cord located along the top of the bus interior. This signals to the driver that you need to exit at the next available stop.

Please remain seated until the bus makes a full and complete stop at the designated stop.

When you exit the bus, leave from the front or rear door. Make sure you have all personal items collected before you exit.

People with disabilities may request to use the ramp or lift to exit the bus. Just alert the driver when you board or before you plan to stop.

TCRTA vehicles are equipped with bike racks that can transport up to two bicycles at a time. Please note that you will need to load and unload your own bicycle. Also know that wheelchairs are a priority; If a wheelchair passenger wishes to ride, a loaded bicycle will need to be removed from the bus. E-bikes are allowed on the bike racks so long as the e-bike fits the same profile as a regular bike and conforms to the specifications listed below. E-bikes need to fit securely on the bike rack and cannot weigh more than 55 pounds.

  • Wheel Size: 20 – 29 inches in diameter
  • Wheelbase: 48 inches maximum axle to axle
  • Tire Width: No more than 2.5 inches maximum
  • Bike Weight: No more than 55 pounds per bike rack position
Call the Greenline

Get information about fixed route schedules, transfers, and other information for any transit service in Tulare County, including TCRTA services.

Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

Call Customer Service

For specific questions and concerns about TCRTA services, alerts, policies, and reservations, contact our customer service team for assistance seven days a week.


Monday – Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

1 (559) 372‐2290

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